
艺术家任大钧简介任大钧(1914.11-1981.10)陕西蓝田人。擅长图案设计。1932年学习于杭州国立艺专。1935年在江西景德镇陶业管理局图案设计室工作,1936年后在西安中学教书,1952年后任西安人民搪瓷厂美术设计。编绘出版有《搪瓷工艺美术》、《任大钧装潢 画选》等。Introduction to the artistRen Dajun (1914.11-1981.10) Shaanxi Lantian Man. Be good at design design. Study state-maintaineded at Hangzhou 1932 art only. In Jiangxi Jingdezhen drawing office of design of management board of contented course of study worked 1935, teach learns in Xian after 1936, 1952 factory of enamel of successor Xian people artistic design. Make up draw to publish have " enamel arts and crafts " , " Ren Dajun decorates a picture to choose " etc.